Saturday, January 24, 2015

Tatoeba update (January 24th, 2015)

Sentences with audio are locked

From now on, sentences cannot be deleted or edited if they have audio. We consider that a sentence that has audio can safely be considered as correct and has no reason to be changed or deleted.

Admins can still remove the audio from the sentence, and therefore make it editable and deletable again, if it turns out that the sentence did have a mistake after all.

UI fixes

  • For advanced contributors: the link/unlink button has moved to be placed before the arrow. Users reported that having the link/unlink button next to the text could lead them more often to link or unlink by mistake than to have the button completely to the left.
  • The sentence link (that is automatically generated when you type #123 for instance) now works also when you have punctuation before the #. For instance if your comment contains a parenthesis before the #, like (#123), it will now display the link properly.
  • Linking sentences from the "Browse by language" when a language is selected in "Show translations in" will no more display all translations after linking, but only show translations in the language selected.

New language

A language has been: Eastern Punjabi. We actually had the language "Punjabi" but it mistakenly contained sentences in Eastern Punjabi while it was meant to be Western Punjabi.
There fore "Punjabi" was renamed to "Punjabi (Western)" and "Punjabi (Eastern)" has been added.

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