Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tatoeba update (Mar 13th, 2010)

Yes, another update. Aren't you happy? :D

Some news first...

You have to know that we are currently in a phase where we're getting rid of all the old/small tasks so that in a when summer comes we can start tackling new/bigger tasks.

We are also in the phase of setting up some working rules which involves us working on and updating Tatoeba more regularly.
For now, it was decided that we would update Tatoeba on a two-week basis, which means you can be expect for sure some changes every other week (more precisely on Saturday). Each update will be quite small, so that we avoid introducing bugs whenever we introduce new features. We are actually limiting ourselves to 6 tasks for each update.

But if we have more time or if we are very productive, we will also update Tatoeba in-between. The current update is actually an "in-between" update. It was only one week after the last update, and you will only have to wait one week before we update again. But we are updating only because we had the time to test properly what we were going to integrate.

What's in this update (besides the bug fixes)

1. Page with your comments
You can access it from your profile page. Please, take a look at your comments and delete those that are not useful. I will let you judge what is useful and what is not. But of course, be smart, don't delete a comment if someone has replied to you below or it will become confusing (unless this someone also deletes their comment).

2. Page with comments on your sentences
You can access it from your profile page as well. Please, take a look at those comments to check if you haven't missed any suggestion of correction on your sentences!

3. Clickable URL
It's not much, but now URLs in the private messages, the Wall and the What's New section are clickable.

Anyone to translate the website?

I would also like to make a call, to anyone who speaks Japanese, German or Spanish. We need people to translate Tatoeba into these languages.

We have our texts hosted on Launchpad:
It offers an interface for collaborative translation. Whenever we update Tatoeba, we will download the new translations made in Launchpad and integrate them in Tatoeba.

The most urgent would be Japanese!

What next?

I will not write about all the things that we have in mind or in our todo list because there are so many and we don't exactly know when we will deal with them. You will know about it little by little. But I can at least tell you with a decent level of certainty what is planned for the two next updates.

March 20th
- Conversion of simplifed<=>traditional Chinese
- Display on homepage of latest messages from Wall
- And some optimization (trying to make Tatoeba a bit faster)

April 3rd
- Possibility to link and unlink sentences (it's becoming quite urgent)
- Introducing audio for Shanghainese (more details on that next time)

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