Sunday, April 19, 2015

Tatoeba update (April 19th, 2015)

Language code in URL

All the UI languages now use the same codes as the the rest of Tatoeba. This affects the following languages:
  • Chinese: chi → cnm
  • French: fre → fra
  • Greek: gre → ell
  • Portuguese (Brasil): pt_BR → por
URL's containing the previous language code will redirect to URL's with the new language code.

Users languages

The users languages are now exported into a CSV file. It contains the following fields:
  • language code
  • level
  • username
  • details

Update notes

As mentioned in the last update, I was looking for someone to replace me to write the update notes. Alan (AlanF_US) volunteered to take care of this task.

This will change a bit the organization of the updates. Up until now, the update notes were posted pretty much right after the update was done. In the next updates, the notes may be posted later, or sooner.

If you need to follow closely the changes we are implementing in Tatoeba, you can always follow what we are doing on GitHub, as explained in this wiki article:

We will still need one or two more people for this task. This is not because writing update notes is a huge task, but because we need more people to acquire enough technical knowledge about Tatoeba to understand what we are doing in GitHub, and be able to communicate the changes that are made to those who have less technical knowledge.

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