What's new
Sentences stats. There's now a specific page for the
sentences stats, to make them a bit more readable. The total number of sentences is also now indicated (it's a quite important number, but for some reason we never displayed it anywhere).
Wall messages of a user. You can browse the messages that were posted by a specific user, from the user profil. Click on "See this user's contribution", scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see the latest messages posted by the user, and a link to view them all (if the user has posted any message).
Sentences tagged more than 2 weeks ago. That's useful mostly for moderators :)
New languages. We've added Ainu, Malayalam, Low German and Sicilian.
FAQ. In case you haven't noticed, the procedure to request a
new language was updated (several weeks ago), and we added a
new question, regarding audio.
What next- Improvement of the profile page. Because the way one can edit his profile at the moment is not really the most intuitive, nor practical.
- Very certainly other things but I can't tell what yet because it will depend on my inspiration...